American Apparel Best Bottom Winners-West Coasting! March 3, 2010October 29, 2010admin It’s official! Cuetie (: from Costa Mesa and Maria Reppin Austin are the Winners of the American Apparel “Best Bottom” Contest. You for [Read More...]
Venessa K. Nieto Is A Hustler! February 13, 2010admin Venessa Nieto is a West Coast chick, born and raised in the LA county. I love southern California and everything about it. I’m [Read More...]
Amanda Bynes Gets Hated On For Loving Black Men February 11, 2010February 13, 2010admin It seems some people are hatting on Amanda Bynes for her preference for black men. She’s been having a little twitter war going [Read More...]
Kim Kardashian On Cover Of KING Oct. 07 August 16, 2007February 13, 2010admin West Coast bad girl Kim Kardashian just wont stop. She’s making Semi-homemade porns with R&B cats, Hanging out with The Game, Clubbing with [Read More...]